What is DI?

If your child is a STEAM-enthusiast, budding
artist or storyteller, passionate community
activist, or loves to learn and explore new
ideas, DI can nurture that curiosity and use
it to build lifelong skills for success!
Destination Imagination is an afterschool
educational nonprofit that prepares
children for a future that is rapidly evolving.
Students acquire and practice the skills
needed to thrive in school, future careers,
and beyond
Teams of 2-7 kids work together to solve
one of seven different STEAM-based
Challenges from fall until March. They also
develop their Instant Challenge skills. In late
February or early March, the team presents
their solution to the Challenge and
completes an Instant Challenge at a regional
MD DI provides many different types of
support to anyone who wishes to run a DI
team. We offer virtual and in-person
presentations, professional development,
training, and 1-on-1 support.
How to Get Started?
Where to Begin
If your child goes to school, check with the school to
see if they already have a DI program in place, and if
so, ask for the coordinator’s contact information. You
also can contact your Regional Director to see if there
are local funds available. If not, that’s okay — you can
start a program at the school or have an independent
Forming a
Each team needs one adult to serve as the manager.
If you are willing to serve as the team manager, we
suggest finding another parent who will be your
co-manager. Someone else who has a child who is
interested in being on your team is the best option.
Teams generally meet once a week either at the
school, in a community space, or at a parent’s home.
Most meetings run 60-90 minutes.
Finding kids who want to participate is rarely an issue.
Start by asking your child if any friends might be
Contact Us for your next steps!
Email us at Info@MarylandDi.org for more information on how to continue your child’s journey with Maryland Destination Imagination!
Flyer found here Parent How To Get DI Going MDDI 2021-22 v.3