
Whether you are a recent alum or a “blast from the past” alum, we welcome you to join us as ambassadors to current team members and future DI alumni! Our alumni are walking and talking examples of how DI continues to impact problem-solving in real life.

Who is considered an alumnus of DI?

A DI alumnus is anyone who has participated in the Destination Imagination Challenge Experience, Digital Open, imagineXperience, and/or Odyssey of the Mind at any point. You don’t have to have “officially” graduated from DI; no matter your level of experience, we still want you! Our alumni know the great benefits that DI can bring to participants and adult volunteers alike.

Stay #TiedtoDI in Maryland

Maryland DI is always looking for alumni volunteers to serve as Team Managers, Appraisers, Challenge Masters, and more! Reach out to your local leadership or sign up for our Alumni Connection database below to learn more about local volunteer opportunities.

Support Maryland DI

If you’re not able to donate your time as a volunteer, consider giving back to Maryland DI with a monetary donation. Click the link to visit our donations page:

Did you know that employers are seeking young employees who are creative, can solve problems, and can work well on a team? That sounds like you! Did you think when you were 10 years old that DI might actually help you get a job when you graduate from college? In fact, DI, Inc. has received calls from employers hoping to find DI alums to hire. So, DI is building a database of alums to help grow and support the DI program. And to communicate job opportunities as they arise.

Join Maryland's Alumni Connection

Please take a moment to register for our Alumni database so that we can keep you posted on DI happenings in Maryland and how we could use your help. Just click on the link below.

Global Alumni Ambassador Registration

Also check out the global Alumni Ambassador network! The Alumni Ambassador Program (AAP) works to connect, inspire and empower DI graduates to give back through meaningful volunteer involvement.

If you have something specific you’d like to offer or chat about, just e-mail Carrie Shade, our Alumni Representative on the MCPSI Operations Committee. Carrie is a DI alum and is full of energy and great ideas. Her e-mail address is