Team Manager Training


November 16, 2019
Crofton Middle School
2301 Davidsonville Rd.
Crofton, MD 21114
Training from 9:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Check-in begins at 8:30 a.m.

$20 registration fee payable via credit card, Pay Pal or check.
Registration deadline is Nov. 9th.

1st-year Team Manager Training
The focus of this session is on giving new team managers a roadmap, skills, and information needed to guide their team through a successful year. New managers will join the veterans for breakout sessions on understanding the individual challenges.

Veteran Team Manager Training
Veteran team managers will attend breakout sessions of their choice, concluding the day with Challenge sessions with the Affiliate Challenge Masters. Breakout sessions will include topics such as IC Properties  of Materials, Script Writing, Attacking the Challenge, using Critical Thinking Skills, and Using IC to Teach Skills and Content.

Rising Stars Team Manager Training

Managing a noncompetitive Rising Stars team is a fun and unique experience. Rising Stars Managers will have a dedicated training session that includes how to corrall and motivate the team and how to use Instant Challenge to build team work and problem solving skills. This training will conclude by noon. 

Lunch available at training
Team managers may order lunch for the training when they register in advance. The lunch will include 2 slices of pizza, an apple, a cookie, and a drink at a price of $7.


Questions? Email Sue Fischer at


Destination Imagination Inc is now requiring all Team Managers to pass a youth protection training in its online learning system. The training is available to all TMs who have registered in the Resource Area at and connected themselves to a 2019-2020 team number. (Click on Teams/MyTeams/Add Team). Once you’ve done that, you will receive an email from Adobe Captivate Prime with an invitation to join the learning community.
Once you log in, go to the catalog and open “Keeping DI Participants Safe.” Please do this as soon as you form your team so that we can ensure that all Team Managers are aware of the new DI policies and procedures. Teams will not be able to register for their Regional Tournament until all Team Managers have passed this training.  Please do not put it off until the last minute, as you will be unable to register before the deadline. 
While you are in the Adobe training system, check out all the other training modules available to Team Managers. 
  • Rules of the Road Overview
  • Getting Started as a Team Manager
  • Roles of a Team Manager
  • Understanding Interference
  • What Happens at a Tournament

Of course, face to face training is the best. But if you are unable to attend our training or you want to get a head start, we encourage you to complete the online training modules. 


October 19, 2019   9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Harford Community College
Edgewood Hall Room 132
This training is for Team Managers who are tackling the job for the first time. Though the training is in Harford County, it is open to all new Team Managers. Contact Laura Drake to reserve your spot.