Dear DI Community,
The COVID-19 pandemic created a worldwide upheaval. The pandemic is a world-shattering event that has had, and will continue to have, far-reaching consequences; the world’s health, social, and economic well-being has been disruptive. Destination Imagination, like many organizations, lost its largest fundraising event. This created significant challenges and pressures to Destination Imagination’s leaders and staff.
The DI staff has risen to the situation with ingenuity, resilience, fortitude, and integrity. They, along with the Board of Trustees, are evaluating how to move our strategic priorities forward while being responsive to ever-changing community needs. As an international organization, we will continue to strive to advance diversity and equity so all, regardless of race, creed or color, may experience the benefits of the DI program. DI knows the value that diversity brings in ideas, experiences and cultural knowledge, and will strive to be more inclusive. DI will not tolerate hate of any kind.
Despite unknown variables such as social distancing, travel restrictions, health mandates, and educational landscape, Destination Imagination will offer a 2020-21 Challenge Program. While some aspects will be different (in-person and virtual presentations), some will remain the same. Participants will continue to develop teamwork, collaboration, problem-solving, critical, and creative thinking skills.
Michele Tuck-Ponder, DI’s Executive Director, posted 7 Ways to Make DI Stronger. She provides several ways to offer support to Destination Imagination, Inc. and the DI community. During these uncertain times, we can make a difference.
The Board of Trustees wants to express our deepest thanks for your patience and understanding as the DI organization operates within a world that is not “business as usual.” Destination Imagination will continue the journey to equip and inspire our children to achieve anything they could imagine in life.
Be safe, be strong, be healthy, and know that “We are DI.” We will get through this together.
We look forward to a new and different Destination Imagination season.
Louise Liddle, Chair
(On behalf of the Board of Trustees)
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